Title: Second Chances (Contemporary Fiction)
Author: Lincoln Cole
Publisher: Lincoln Cole Publishing
Links: Website | Goodreads | Amazon
Book Summary (from Goodreads)
Nichole is caught in a tough position, juggling too many responsibilities as her world falls apart around her. She isn’t sure where she can turn and is facing a lot of harsh realities about how life works.
Richard wants to help, but he discovers that he’s been doing the right things for the wrong reasons for a long time. Everything begins to fall apart as he realizes he’s swept problems under the rug for so long he might no longer be able to fix them.
Can they overcome and get a second chance?
Why Should You Read Second Chances?
This is a novel about social issues faced in America right now and delves into important topics headfirst. It has won multiple awards and been honored in a book festival.
Highlighted Review
“A vivid saga of racial and social situations that’s highly recommended for readers seeking a story that revolves around changing hearts and minds and positive character growth.” -D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
Read the full review on Midwest Book Reviews.
Note: Reviews highlighted in this section have been added by the author or his/her agent.